
Interested in volunteering?

The Portland Seafood and Wine Festival is always looking for volunteers to help us run the event. If you are interested in joining our event team, here are some things you will need to know:

  • Their are many different areas that will need volunteers to help staff
  • Volunteer shifts are two hours long
  • Each volunteer will receive two tickets to enter back into the event after their shift is over
  • Each volunteer will receive a free t-shirt to wear during their shift
  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Everyone (even volunteers) have to pay for Expo Center parking. The Trimet MAX Yellow Line comes right to the PEC parking lot.

[btn text=”VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP” tcolor=#FFF bcolor=#0000FF thovercolor=#FF0000 link=”https://signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/11070211385089380127/false#/invitation” target=”_blank”]